Add Spices (9 - 13 yrs)
This workshop helps caregivers deal with adolescent children and educate them regarding emotional and physical transformations, safe sex and consent.
The curriculum for this work shop will be as follows
(workshop details to be added soon)
Sexual Intercourse
Teens are generally very private people. However, if parents have spoken to their child early about sex increases the chance that teens will approach parents when difficult or dangerous things come up.
Reinforce safety and discuss the anatomy of pleasure
Whatever gender the child is attracted to, talk about pleasure
Love and Lust
Abortions, marriage, rape
Talk about the difference between love and lust
Gender identity
Explore relationships using assertiveness, vulnerability, communication, techniques, Personal values, asking for help and making choices.
In addition to reinforcing all the things above, tweens should be taught about
safer sex and contraception.
Introduction to STD and STI.
Tweens should understand what makes a positive relationship and what makes
for a bad one.
Check in with kids - what are they hearing from others? Correct misinformation
and reinforce values
Difference between the depiction of sex and sexuality in media and in real life.
Self Esteem and embracing everyone the way they are.
Contraception, Safe sex and consent.
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