Blend Ingredients (6 - 8 yrs)
This workshop helps caregivers to prepare their children to face the changes and challenges of puberty. It majorly targets on creating a comfort zone between the caregivers and children, making parents a secure and authentic point of contact and source of information.
The curriculum for this work shop will be as follows
(workshop details to be added soon)
Puberty and physical and emotional changes (menstruation, ejaculation, wet dreams, masturbation.
Check in with kids - what are they hearing from others? Correct misinformation and reinforce values
Sex and Gender
​Bodily change, emotional turmoil, infatuation and sexual tension is a natural part of growing up
Sex is an adult activity and not for kids
Basic understanding that some people are heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual. They should also know what the role of sexuality is in relationships.
Children should know about the basic social conventions of privacy, nudity, and respect for others in relationships.
Sexaul abuse
​Tweens should also learn to judge whether depictions of sex and sexuality in the media are true or false, realistic or not, and whether they are positive or negative.
Explanation on rape and sexual abuse,
Check in with kids - what are they hearing from others? Correct misinformation and reinforce values