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Preheat (3 - 5 yrs)

It is very important that the children of this age group understand that their body belongs to them and noone else has a right over it. This workshop aims to help caregivers build their children's understanding towards their body and boundaries with others.


The curriculum for this work shop will be as follows

(workshop details to be added soon)

Know your Body 

Identifying body parts

Pointing out gender difference, reminding them of similarities

Introduction to reproduction

All living things reproduce (flowers, plants, animals)

Basics of where babies come from (Babies grow inside a mother)

(basics of reproduction: a man and a woman make a baby together, and the baby grows in the woman’s uterus.)

Good and Bad touch

Talking about privacy (ok to touch your private parts, but not in public)

They are the boss of their own bodies (Children should understand their

body is their own.)​

Teach them about privacy around body issues.

They should know other people can touch them in some ways but not other ways.

Healthy boundries 

​Children’s understanding of human reproduction​ should continue. This may include the role of sexual intercourse.

Healthy boundaries and self esteem

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